Laura Herde

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How to Heal Your Energy Systems

When was the last time you felt fully in touch with yourself and your sensual side?
The last time you’ve breathed in slowly and deeply, because you felt calm on the inside?
When was the last time you allowed yourself to be soft, playful, and receive instead of hustling for success?

If you can’t truly recall those moments, then this blogpost is for you.

We easily neglect the importance of balancing our female and male energies as ambitious and empowered female entrepreneurs.

If you have been working hard on your professional success for a while now, odds are that you are cut off from your feminine energy.

Why? Because masculine traits are triggered easily when we start „competing“ in this corporate world, we forget how to be a woman, how to be soft and playful. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
When I was younger, the part of me who wanted to play, dance, be sensual, relax and surrender would always be suppressed... It was like a protection mechanism.

Pushing through, hustling hard, catching early mornings - working late nights…

I barely ever gave myself the rest I needed. And my body definitely took a toll on it.
When I started my own business 3 years ago, I also stopped dating for a couple of months - simply because it wasn’t a priority, and I didn’t want to make time for it. My business was my ‚baby’, and my number one priority. When the pressure & work demands increased as my biz grew, my libido would simultaneously decrease.

I literally had no sex-drive for the first 24 years of my life. Partly due to my high stress levels (that eventually lead me to burn-out at the age of 22), and partly because I felt a lot of shame around exploring my own sexuality. One year into running my own online business, I had to finally prioritise healing my masculine energy and re-connect with my feminine side - at this point, I had been a high achiever, perfectionist and ambitious, goal-driven for 22 years. When I started dating my first, current and future partner (the same person all in once), I experienced the feeling of true LUST for the first time in my life. I was finally able to fully unwind and allow myself to be, instead of hustling & achieving.

I know that having 111 things on your get-to-do-list (that gets longer by the clock) can feel energy-draining, overwhelming and exhausting as you never end up feeling accomplished.
And so, you get anxious and stop responding to your friend‘s text messages... let alone spend time with them in person.

If you currently feel exhausted or stuck in life, remember that it lies in your power to change your external conditions by changing your state of mind. Make a conscious effort to slow down.

Go with the seasons of your personal life, and your business. Learn to adapt to all kinds of situations. In order to stay in a state of flow, you want to be flexible and stay open and you always want to come back to this one question:

What would your highest self do right now?⠀⠀⠀⠀

She would probably take care of her mind, body and soul first. She would most likely make her holistic well-being and heart‘s happiness her number one priority. She would surely invest into her relationships & into her own growth to show up fully.

This is how my own life started changing 5 years ago when I was 20 years old, and I haven’t looked back.

So, what changed?

I transformed my relationships to other people, but most importantly, the one I have with myself.

I transformed my health and wellbeing by living intuitively and listening to my body’s signals.

I transformed my mindset by consciously choosing to see challenges as opportunities for growth and thinking positively - no matter what circumstances I would find myself in, or what life confronted me with. ⠀⠀

I transformed my career by setting short-term and long-term goals that challenge me, yet felt realistic.

I learned to prioritise pleasure over work, delegate tasks I am not that good at, manage my time & energy wisely, and create a work schedule that no longer feels overwhelming or exhausting.

Female entrepreneurship means going with your body’s and life’s seasons… it means honouring your needs, and acting in alignment with them.

That’s what I call the art of slowing down... in order to speed up exponentially again.

If your body asks you to slow down, I dare you to listen.

Some seasons of life are for business growth, others for healing, others for personal expansion, others for deepening your connections, others to recharge. Some are for reflection & introspection, some to achieve, some to learn and be a student.

I had been trying every productivity technique under the sun to balance it all.

And eventually learned to…

  • … work according to my energy levels & my menstrual cycle

  • … outsource more and let go of my need for perfectionism

  • … optimise my priority setting & time management skills

  • … stay laser-focused during Pomodoro sets

  • … only operate from my zone of genius

Now, you might wonder…

How you can balance your energy & flow through life with more ease, alignment and joy?

By having clear boundaries, and sticking to them.
By making choices that align with your values.
By working according to your energy levels.
By treating your body with love & respect.
By embodying ‘female leadership’.
By working smarter, not harder.
By saying “no” more often.
By giving your mind rest.

… and by being willing to “fail”, aka taking detours.⠀⠀
As a high achiever, it is important to realize and truly understand that no time is ever „wasted“.
You might have less efficient or productive days work-wise, but it is not time being truly „wasted“.
If things don’t work out the way you want them to, this is time that gave you crucial feedback in order to make adjustments.

Okay babe, now it’s your turn.

This upcoming month, focus on creating more spaciousness in your life. More alignment. More ease, joy, balance and flow. Less time spent hustling, more time spent delegating & connecting with yourself.

Your ideal schedule could look something like this:
Monday: identify your energy drainers & release.
Tuesday: eat mindfully - no technology involved.
Wednesday: block certain times for self-care.
Thursday: politely decline unwanted time commitments. Saying yes to yourself isn’t rude.
Friday: treat yourself to a massage, haircut or facial.
Saturday: carve out some time for family/ friends.
Sunday: think about the ROI on the way you’re spending your time. Reflect. Write it down. Repeat.

I also have a feeling that you are still wondering when you will finally feel TURLY happy. Asking yourself what it is like to feel fulfilled with every aspect of your life, knowing & loving yourself fully - on the deepest levels, manifesting the life of your dreams, creating emotional, mental, spiritual and financial abundance through following your passions. I know you are ready to create a sense of fulfilment & alignment in every single area of your life and I am here to guide you through the process in my 1:1 Signature Program THE TRUE YOU.

Are you ready for your most fulfilling year yet (personally & professionally)?
Apply for a VIP spot and let’s see if we are a good match and if this program will serve your visions & goals for next year!

And always remember, ambitious boss-babe - I am here to be your guide and remind you that you can manifest your wildest dreams and create the reality you have always dreamt of just as well!

Thank you for being here.

Love & Light,
