Laura Herde

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How I Became a 6-Figure Life & Mindset Coach

When I think about my own transformation, especially in the last few years, I’m amazed by how everything evolved and brought me to where I am today – living my absolute best life and working as a successful life, mindset & manifestation coach. What was once a complete dream and something that I would look at on my vision board, has become my real life. I have established myself as the Top German Female Coach under the age of 27 and I am working with international clients all across the globe. It’s so true - what you focus your energy on, expands.

In 2021, I finally made it happen and launched my own coaching certification training The Embodied Coach Academy. So if you are here, reading this because you have been wanting to become a highly-skilled certified Life & Success Coach then this is for you!

Got questions about ECA? Submit them here!

The universe has your back, sis.

I regularly receive messages and DMs asking about my coaching story, so today, I’m excited to give you all the details. I’ll also be sharing the tools, tactics and lessons that have helped me to get to where I am today. Plus, I’ll be sharing all the juicy details on how you can also create or up-level your own coaching business through my coaching certification.

So, let’s rewind. I started my coaching business in 2018. I worked on it incredibly hard as a side hustle and, after 12 months, I was finally making 1500 € each month which allowed me to quit my side job and fully sustain myself doing work I love. In 2020, I grew my team from a one-woman show to a team of 3, finally receiving the support I needed to prevent myself from burning out.

Everything I learned over the past few years has gone into building and scaling a business that not only lights me up but also impacts and changes the lives of hundreds of women around me. I’ve created a truly fulfilling business. Serving others is one of my core values and I love that I can run a business that is so in alignment with what I care about most. But on top of that, I’ve gone from working 14 hours every single day with a turnover of 5000 € per month, to leading a team of 5 incredible team members, working less than I ever have before, all whilst having a turnover of 25000 € + each month. 

Yup, I’ve created a sustainable business in a really short amount of time. And it keeps on growing daily.

But trust me, sis, it wasn’t an easy journey to get here. I invested not only time & energy but also a lotta money into getting where I am today. In 2021, I invested a sum bigger than 30000 € in total, in 2022 I am about to invest even more into myself + my education. And I do it because I know that it will pay off in the long term. Because the truth is, anyone can have all these things. I’m not special or different, I simply had a goal and I believed in myself and my vision enough that I did whatever it would take to make it happen. 

And you can do the same.

There is nothing I am capable of, that you can’t achieve just as well. 

Evolving from blogging @ “eco_not_ego“ to becoming a certified and well-known Master Mindset & Success Coach, and NLP + Life Coaching Trainer

Ever since I experienced first-hand how the quality of your thoughts defines the quality of your life - by freeing myself from depression about 10 years ago - I became passionate about how the mind works, what mental health truly means and the difference self-love can make to your life. 

I started to share my thoughts and knowledge on a healthy mindset and lifestyle via Instagram. At that time, my account “eco_not_ego” served the purpose of a creative outlet for me; I was sharing valuable content that I considered helpful for my community. I did not expect that being an influencer and having a like-minded audience would be the foundation of my journey to becoming a life & mindset coach. 

But that´s how the universe works, huh? It all makes sense connecting the dots looking backwards.

I soon started receiving DMs from my followers asking for guidance. That’s when I first offered my help to women who were struggling with a limiting mindset and felt stuck in their current reality. It was a huge honour for me to see that my community fully trusted me, and I wanted to give it a go as I had always been coaching people anyway – from friends to co-workers to fellow students. Doing this as a side-hustle sounded like a dream, so I decided to try it and see what would happen.

I really enjoyed seeing the results of my work. My first clients managed to fully transform their lives by working on their mindset, and all I did was ask thoughtful questions and give them the tools and support they needed – it felt incredible! At first, this was just a hobby and a side job that I somehow ‘fell into’ whilst studying full-time and working as a waitress to save up money for my planned travels after graduating. 

And I’ll be completely honest with you guys: at this point, I actually had no clue how to run a business, how to use Instagram successfully and I had no coaching certification. Neither had I learned how to launch online programs successfully lol. I just had a talent for coaching, I guess – and an awesome community, as well as an unwavering belief in myself and my ability to help others succeed and flip their lives around as well.

Whilst studying Media Communication and Journalism at university, I had the chance to build my knowledge by taking a course where I had to write a business plan. Due to the positive response from my community and the purest joy, I felt consulting my first clients in mindset and lifestyle design, I realized that I wanted to become a life coach. And so I elaborated a corresponding business plan during this module.

Creating this business plan further defined my vision of becoming a life & mindset coach. After finishing my studies in autumn 2018, I decided to travel the world to fully focus on this vision and to fully adopt a growth mindset of my own. 

And wowww, leaving my comfort zone, committing to my goals and moving continents was the best decision I ever made!

Although it was not always convenient (or easy) – I often experienced a lack of understanding from the people I met when I prioritized working with my clients over attending beach parties in Bali. But you know what? It wasn’t even hard for me to do so. I was soooo determined to grow as a coach and manifest my vision. Focusing all my energy on this dream not only helped me attract like-minded souls into my life but also more clients and my first two wonderful team members in November 2018.

Their assistance allowed me to professionalize my business and I was able to make time and space for working with mentors and attending trainings. It was in Bali in July 2019 that I decided to become a 200 hours certified yoga teacher to increase my knowledge on spirituality and holistic health. I invested in business courses and followed my intuition and signed up for a Mindset and Manifestation Coach Training in Canada in October 2019. 

Becoming a certified Mindset and Manifestation Coach

Diving deep into the theories of emotional freedom, learning about NLP models and improving my coaching skills during this training strengthened and expanded my knowledge about the natural laws of the universe, the limitless energy within us and the power of our subconscious mind. My training included everything I needed to know to become a practitioner in neuro-linguistic programming, EFT tapping, Time Techniques and hypnosis, as well as certified life and success coach. 

Investing my resources (time and money) into this training and becoming a certified coach, resulted in a major turning point in my business. This also led me to revamp and relaunch my group coaching program in early 2020. I really had to pinch myself as I looked at the turnover we’d made by the end of January 2020: 15000 €

By committing to my vision, adopting a growth mindset, going all-in on my dreams and investing in high-level training and education, I was able to:

  • go from making enough money just to get by (anything between 1500 € - 5000 € / month) to earning ten times as much (15000 € only 3 months after completing the training) doing what I absolutely love, serving my dream clients and fully living out my gifts

  • gain deep knowledge on neuro-linguistic programming, energy tapping and hypnosis which has been serving me in taking my own life to the next level

  • evolve as a coach and deliver even more value to my clients so they can have epic transformations of their own

  • feel 111% more confident in my ability to serve and succeed

  • attract more & more clients, as well as launch my group coaching program “Free Abundant Self”

  • hire more wonderful team members

I learned so much but I did more than simply attend a training. I applied everything I learnt to my own life and business. I helped my clients completely level up their lives, but I also integrated my learnings fully.

I went deep into my own inner work and personal development and I took my personal growth to another level entirely. And from that, I was able to develop my coaching style. Soon I decided to get certified as a life coaching trainer so I could teach others to do the same - change others’ lives for the better. You see, I am sooo passionate about this work because it truly is life-changing. I practice what I preach and I do the same transformational work that I give my clients. They have epic results and I can also speak from experience because I’ve seen freakin’ incredible shifts in my own life, too. 

Throughout my journey, I have been committed to my growth above everything else. I have cultivated so much self-belief and confidence that I go for what I want and I make it happen. There’s no way I’d have the success I have today if I hadn’t been so dedicated and consistent. Today, I am working less than I have ever worked before and feel the most fulfilled and balanced than I’ve ever been. In 2021, my biz hit the revenue of more than $ 400k USD and we are planning to expand further. I have a powerful team of 5+ beautiful humans that fully support the mission of Laura Herde, the brand.

I prioritised my personal development and learning over parties, dating and nights out. I invested money into trainings, mentors and certifications rather than into the things that would bring me instant gratification. I chose to do what felt hard at the time and I went way out of my comfort zone because I knew it would bring me the life-long success and fulfilment that I truly desired. And I also knew that it’s this that would allow me to connect with others on a much deeper level and allow me to serve my clients more fully.

I talk about it a lot with my clients, but in order to have a dope reality, you gotta do the things that others aren’t willing to do. You have to create your own reality and walk your own path. And oftentimes this can feel scary, uncomfortable and triggering.

But our growth and our successes always come on the other side of where we feel comfortable. I prioritised what mattered most to me: my personal growth, my business and my positive impact.

I’ve created the life I’ve always dreamt of and it’s such an honour that I get to help so many incredible women achieve the same through my 1:1 and group coaching programs

Launching my own coaching certification

That’s also why I wanted to launch my own coaching certification – I wanted to share my knowledge, so others can make the same kind of impact.

I’ve wanted to create this certification for such a long time and I’m so excited to be bringing you something really special at the end of this year. Working with conscious and spiritual entrepreneurs, this coaching certification will give you aaaall the strategies, tools and information you need to become a certified coach.

For the first time ever, I paired up with a biz partner, my beautiful friend Cara. Cara and I created our coaching certification program The Embodied Coach Academy. It was reallyyy important to include everything into ECA that we wished we would have learned in our training + more. Establishing an entirely new business with a biz partner, definitely felt scary and risky. But again, doing the inner work paid off, and I felt beyond prepared to guide others towards becoming beyond powerful coaches themselves. It just feels so aligned to be working with these like-minded women and growing the impact that ECA will have.

If you’re ready to become a certified coach, you can learn more about my coaching certification here (open for enrolment NOW!).

Got questions about ECA? Submit them here!

There is nothing I am capable of, that you can’t achieve just as well!

I really hope that by sharing my story on how I got into coaching, as well as how I managed to scale my business without any prior knowledge, you will feel inspired to follow your intuition and step outside your own comfort zone as well. All it takes is defining the woman you want to become and having the courage to act towards your vision and your goals. I hope that being honest with you took away your fear of not being ready, of not being “perfect” yet. All you need is already within you and yes - there will be times when it is not that easy - but remember: 


So are you ready to take the leap and become certified as a Life & Success Coach?

If so, The Embodied Coach Academy is exactly what you need to fulfil your dreams and create that dream life of yours.

Got questions about ECA? Submit them here!

To Your Ultimate Success & Massive Transformation,


Please note that I am not a biz coach. That’s not my calling. That’s not what I am here for. You can expect to get certified through my own coaching certification program- but I am not here to help you elicit a strategy for your coaching business, or attracting your ideal clients. My own success journey has only been possible because I committed myself to an inner transformation 8 years ago. I went all-in with educating myself, expanding my mind, nurturing my soul, growing my knowledge, hiring mentors who have walked the path before and developing my skillset. That’s how I became successful in my career. Not because I am particularly good at “doing business”.

I became successful because I am good at “doing life”. By finding what sets my soul on fire, by connecting with my intuition and following its lead, I discovered a whole new reality for myself. If you want to learn how to create a life of true health (mentally, emotionally, physically), joy, fulfillment and balance - THEN I am happy to be your mentor. That’s my zone of genius; that’s what I am truly good at - helping women uncover their true potential, level up their mindset, step into their power and become fully confident in who they are… all whilst falling in love with themselves along the journey.