“I've been following Laura for several years now and she inspires me a lot! I've already tried to do a lot of work on my own (starting a morning routine, journaling, meditation, etc.) but I was always giving up what I started. I knew I needed some support on my journey. I was feeling frustrated and tired..So one day I applied for Laura's VIP program and I'm so grateful I did. Laura was so kind during the 3 hour mentorship, she was right to the point and asking really powerful questions. The homework and pre-study material helped me a lot as well. It is amazing how in just 3 hours I've shifted my mindset! Laura was asking the right questions and really, the mentorship has been life changing! I've been accountable, I have now a morning routine that I stick to, my sleep has improved and I've understand that I was overthinking everything. I was constantly worried about what other people think about me..it was exhausting! But now I just have the confidence I needed long time ago to keep my head up. I'm so grateful I've decided to apply for the VIP mentorship, Laura you're truly a gem! I was lost, I knew I needed support on my journey, I was feeling tired, I was procrastinating and I had low self-esteem. Working with you has been life changing!”
Read More“Before the coaching session, all my beliefs were not really tangible to me. During the session with Laura, I finally not only thought, but also started to feel what a great person I am and that I can love and accept all my facets. No matter what I feel right now, it is right and okay, because it belongs to me. I was able to uncover a new understanding for myself as if she had given me back a missing piece of puzzle. My energy began to transform immediately and I felt so liberated from the inner beliefs I had collected through past experiences. Laura is such an incredible coach. I have tried many things on the market but her energy, loving nature and personality is so unique! I would book the session again and again.”
- Julia Dueck
Read More“I started the year working with Laura in a 1:1 setting. It was a great way to gain clarity and start 2021 full of energy. It allowed me to heal some old wounds, be more aware of my mental blockages and take action to move forward. To be honest, it´s not only about the session itself. It's also all the work you do before and after. I especially enjoyed working through all the worksheets Laura provided with me and I had a lot of "aha" moments. I reconnected with some parts of myself, I had completely forgotten about. Laura is very supportive and always there for you as a client.”
- Adri
Read More“I have been following Laura on Instagram for a few years before I finally started working with her. I always loved the positive energy she shared through her channel and was also impressed about how her account and her business evolved over time. Within a 90-minute Deep Dive Session, she managed to give me the clarity I needed about my current “pain points” and introduced me to tools that help me to work on my confidence and self-esteem. I love the way she interacts with her clients - very professional and solution-oriented, but also with a lot of humor and lightness. You feel good within the very first minute of talking to her. I highly recommend Laura as a coach - especially for everyone who feels trapped in limiting beliefs and a status of low self-esteem. Thank you, Laura - within only 90 minutes, you already made a huge difference on how I see my current situation and I am excited to change it for the better.”
- Laura Wieckhorst
Watch Laura’s Video Testimonial
Read Laura’s testimonial in German
Read More“Dear Laura, working with you was the best decision and investment I have made for myself in a long time.
After our talk, I cried, not because I was sad but because the tears showed me that it was time to change something in my life, and I truly realized this during and after the session.
I learned that I have to stand up for myself, that everything is a question of inner attitude and that I alone get to define my value. My path to my highest self has only just begun, but with each day, I am getting closer to it.
Laura, you are a wonderful person and coach!
You ask exactly the right questions; you know what your counterpart needs, and you motivate your clients to step out of their comfort zone. I can only recommend working with you and thank you from the bottom of my heart - for everything!”
- Patricia Hahn
read Patricia’s testimonial in german
Read More“Laura has been a dream to work with. I followed her on social media for about 2 years before working with her and I can’t believe I waited that long! Before coming to her, I was drained, low energy, suffering from anxiety and perfectionism, stemming from low self-esteem and negative beliefs about myself. Immediately after our session, I felt more confident and full of energy - this feeling hasn’t stopped since. I am so grateful to her for holding space for me and for giving me her support when I needed it the most. She lives her life so authentically and aligned and you can tell by her radiant energy about the love and support she gives to her clients. I can not wait to continue this journey with her next month in her Free Abundant Self course!”
– August Ferree
Instagram: @augustrhianna
Watch August’s Video Testimonial
Read august’s testimonial in German
Read More“I had the Deep Dive Session with Laura, and it was absolutely amazing. I've been following Laura on Instagram for over two years now, I always have been inspired by her, and I just knew I was ready to finally take back my power - hiring her as my coach felt like the exact right step to do so. It was so relieving - during the Deep Dive Session, Laura was incredibly understanding and truly listened to everything I had to say. Throughout our whole session, her energy was so high, and her passion really shined through. I'm so grateful for all tools that I've been given to work with, and the session really gave me so much more direction.”
- Megan Grace Dennis
“Ich hatte eine Deep-Dive Session mit Laura und es war einfach wunderbar. Ich folge Laura jetzt seit über zwei Jahren auf Instagram und war immer von ihr inspiriert. Ich wusste einfach, dass ich bereit war, endlich wieder in meine Kraft zu kommen und meine Intuition hat mir gezeigt, dass der nächste Schritt dafür eine Session mit Laura war. Es war absolut befreiend - während der Deep-Dive Session war Laura so verständnisvoll und hat geduldig zugehört.
Ich konnte ihre Energie und Leidenschaft während unserer ganzen Sitzung spüren.
Ich bin so dankbar für alle Tools, die sie mir zur Verfügung gestellt hat. Die Sitzung hat mir wirklich sehr dabei geholfen mich zu orientieren und meine nächsten Schritte zu kennen.”
- Megan Grace Dennis
Read More“Before my 1-1 appointment, I was completely lost. After only 1 hour with Laura, I felt so much lighter and I had so much more clarity! Now I know what to do. Laura is awesome, she helped me so much to find answers to my questions. She goes deeper and deeper and she has helped me to see the world in a more positive way! If you are thinking about working with Laura - just do it! She is amazing and the best coach I've ever had.”
- Julie Mazeau
read julie’s testimonial in german
Read More“Laura is the definition of positivity, especially with her warm and beautiful smile. We had a 1-hour session and right away, I felt like I already knew her for a long time. I felt comfortable to tell her anything, she helped me to find answers to questions I never have asked myself before. She made me stop procrastinating and wanting to take action asap! Every woman deserves a coach like her!”
- Maria Yioukka
“Laura strahlt pure Positivität aus, besonders wenn sie ihr warmen und schönen Lächeln zeigt. Wir hatten eine einstündige Sitzung, und ich hatte das Gefühl, sie schon ewig zu kennen. Ich habe mich sehr wohl dabei gefühlt, ihr alles zu erzählen und mit ihrer Hilfe Antworten auf Fragen zu finden, welche ich mir zuvor nie gestellt hatte. Sie hat mir geholfen nicht mehr zu prokrastinieren und endlich in die Umsetzung zu kommen! Jede Frau verdient einen Coach wie sie!”
- Maria Yioukka
Read MoreCoaching with Laura is so much more than just the sessions! The reflection & self-discovery assignments beforehand and the homework + the constant support after the session have so much value in terms of the effect her coaching has. Not to mention her great skill of asking the right questions during the sessions! She has an open, yet targeted and critical approach.
Her high vibe energy is extremely infectious and after the session, she is like a guardian angel on your shoulder.
- Liz Bagheera
Coaching mit Laura ist so viel mehr als nur die eigentlichen Coaching-Sessions! Die Reflexions- und Selbstfindungsaufgaben im Vorfeld, die Hausaufgaben und die ständige Unterstützung machen das Coaching mit Laura so besonders wirkungsvoll und wertvoll. Ganz zu schweigen von ihrem Talent, während der Sitzungen die richtigen Fragen zu stellen! Sie hat einen offenen, aber dennoch zielgerichteten und kritischen Ansatz.
Ihre positive Energie ist einfach ansteckend und man hat das Gefühl, dass sie nach den Sessions weiterhin präsent ist (wie ein Schutzengel auf der Schulter).
- Liz Bagheera
Read More“I'll be honest with you: I wasn’t sure what to expect from a Mentorship in the beginning, but I intuitively felt that it was the right thing for me to get in touch with her. I decided to do the 90-minute Deep Dive Session (to be honest, I don't know precisely why I did choose this offer of hers).
I just felt restricted in my authentic being, wanted to feel free to do what truly brings me deep bliss. I was feeling like this because I did not dare to show up for myself, my talents, and natural behaviors. Through Laura, I learned to re-focus on myself, to reintegrate a daily morning routine, and to take the time to connect with myself, my visions, and dreams in my everyday life.
Now, I wake up every day full of deep gratitude and go to bed every evening in fullest confidence, because I know I am on my path. I have learned to finally enjoy my personal journey again and be proud of my growth.
I also have learned to really own my life and not to be stressed or rushed by external circumstances. Because I know what is important to me and whatnot. I think that was the biggest lesson I learned through working with Laura: to set clear priorities and intentions & to integrate them into my life every day without pressure & stress and with full confidence that even if the big picture does not yet exist or will change again, I will do it in my own way. Thank you, Laura, from the bottom of my heart for your work and existence! You are doing what you do! You make this world a more loving and grateful place!”
- Christina Lang
“Ich bin ehrlich: Ich war mir Anfangs wirklich nicht sicher was Laura genau macht, aber ich habe einfach intuitiv gefühlt, dass das jetzt das richtige für mich ist mit dieser Person in Kontakt zu treten. Ich habe mich dann für die 90-minütige Deep Dive Session entschieden (um ehrlich zu sein weiß ich auch nicht genau, weshalb ich das getan habe).
Ich habe mich einfach eingeschränkt in meinem authentischen Sein gefühlt, wollte mich frei fühlen, das zu tun was mir wirklich tiefe Glückseligkeit bereitet. Weil ich mich nicht getraut habe zu mir und meinen Talenten und natürlichen Verhaltensweisen zu stehen. Durch Laura habe ich zuerst einmal gelernt mein Leben wieder auf mich auszurichten, eine tägliche Morgenroutine zu integrieren und die Zeit, um mich mit mir und meinen Visionen
und Träumen zu beschäftigen sinnvoll in meinen Alltag zu integrieren.
Ich wache jeden Tag voller tiefer Dankbarkeit auf und gehe jeden Abend in vollstem Vertrauen zu Bett, weil ich weiß ich bin auf meinem persönlichen Weg. Ich habe gelernt endlich wieder meine eigene persönliche Reise zu genießen und mein Wachstum zu sehen.
Ich habe gelernt mein Lebenslauf und Alltag wieder selbst in die Hand zu nehmen und mich nicht von äußeren Umständen stressen oder hetzten zu lassen, weil mir klar ist was für mich persönlich wichtig ist und was nicht. Ich denke das war der größte Teil meines learnings mit Laura: Klare Prioritäten und Intensionen zu setzten & diese tagtäglich in meinen Leben zu integrieren ohne Druck & Stress und mit vollem Vertrauen, dass selbst wenn das big picture noch nicht besteht oder sich wieder ändern wird, ich meinen Weg mit mir in Liebe gehe. Danke Laura, ich danke dir von dem tiefsten Punkt aus meinem Herzen für deine Arbeit und deine Existenz! Du hilfst ungemein! Und machst diese Welt zu einem liebevolleren und dankbaren Platz!”
- Christina Lang
Read More“To work with Laura was a real blessing. At first, I was a bit sceptical as I have already worked with different coaches before that didn't deliver what they promised. But within only 90 min of talking to Laura, I had so many realisations and she helped me reconnect with my true values. I was truly impressed by her professional way of working. She offered so many resources before and after our session. I can highly recommend working with her.”
- Danielle Eggenberger
“Mit Laura zu arbeiten war wirklich ein Segen. Am Anfang war ich etwas skeptisch, da ich schon zuvor mit anderen Coaches gearbeitet hatte, die mir aber nicht die Resultate liefern konnten, welche sie versprachen. In nur 90 Minuten mit Laura hatte ich so viele Erkenntnisse und sie hat mir geholfen, mich wieder mit meinen wahren Werten zu verbinden. Ich war von ihrer Professionalität sehr beeindruckt. Sie stellte mir viele wertvolle Ressourcen sowohl vor-, als auch nach der Sitzung zur Verfügung. Insgesamt kann ich die Zusammenarbeit mit Laura einfach nur sehr empfehlen.”
- Danielle Eggenberger