Laura Herde

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Chiara's Success Story

Chiara Richter - Instagram: @chiara.richter

Like many of the babes who join me in FAS, Chiara was feeling stuck in her current reality. She knew she had the potential to make huge things happen for her, but she didn’t know how to start attracting dream opportunities into her life.

She already knew the basics of the law of attraction and she’d started doing the inner work – but she felt like she was missing the key information that would help her transform her reality.

She had a huge fear of failure and felt overwhelmed by taking action. 
She believed she needed to have a ‘perfect’ plan before she started doing anything.

 She hoped that FAS would give her the self-confidence to actively work on her dreams. She also knew she needed to work on her self-belief to stop worrying about what other people think of her.

After taking part in FAS, Chiara’s confidence changed dramatically. 

She was handed the tools and resources to let go of the limitations and the fears that had been holding her back for so long & was finally able to start taking action on her dreams.

 Chiara went all-in with FAS. She put in the work and her results speak for themselves.

Mindset Mastery: She realised that working on her mindset was the first step towards taking action. By the end of the 28-day program, Chiara had learnt to let go of the perfectionism that had kept her playing small. She created an opportunity mindset for herself & started believing that anything she wanted was possible for her. She also had a breakthrough with her money mindset & has since found it SO much easier to attract financial abundance into her life.


Unshakeable Confidence: With the support of her FAS group, Chiara received the boost she needed to start believing in herself. She realised that it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks & is now able to show up as her authentic self. She's realised there’s no such thing as failure and that she shouldn’t ever give up on her dreams just because others might think they are too big.


Next Level Manifestation: The manifestation tools inside FAS allowed Chiara to attract the things she’d always wanted. She's learnt to manifest a lot more easily and has now built 100% faith in the universe - knowing that she can have anything she ever wants in life.


Lifestyle Design: Before Chiara joined Free Abundant Self, she wanted confidence, clarity & help in reaching her goals. After implementing the tools & advice she was given, she was able to fully overcome the perfectionism from her past. She's created a clear vision for her life and has started trying things out to see what works for her. She now realises that messy action is way better than no action, & because of this, she has created massive momentum in her life.

Through the four pillars of FAS, Chiara was able to achieve everything she set out to accomplish.


→ She's transformed her confidence & completely boosted her self-belief & self-worth
→ She’s gained the clarity she needed to move forward towards her goals & dreams
→ She’s overcome her perfectionist tendencies & started taking action to achieve all of her goals


Chiara absorbed everything that FAS had to offer her and finally has the belief in herself to go after everything she wants. She knows she’s on the right path & feels aligned with her true self.

And what's amazing, is that she now knows exactly how to make her dreams come true.

Chiara’s success story is just one of the maaaany amazing stories I've received from my incredible FAS babes. When you invest in yourself, you start seeing the result you’ve always wanted.

As Chiara puts it: “If you don't do anything, nothing will ever happen. I realised through FAS that investing in a mentor is the best thing you can do for yourself!”

So babe - I'd love to know if any part of this story resonates with you? 

If you want to see results like this in your life, you can still join me in the next round of Free Abundant Self.