5 Powerful Habits for an Aligned + Successful Life

One of the most amazing things about being a mindset & manifestation coach is connecting with my clients and answering the questions that give them more clarity. 

During one of my group coaching sessions, one of my clients asked me: “How do you stay connected to your own life vision if other people constantly judge you?”

And I can tell you that the answer is simple: You always want to stay connected with your own truth. When you know yourself on a soul level, no one’s perception of you can truly affect you. When you feel aligned with who you truly are, nothing that anyone else says can throw you off.


And it took me a long time to realize that. During my teenage years, I resisted and rejected my true self. But what made the biggest difference for me was creating alignment practices, rituals and structures that supported this expansive, authentic, ambitious version of myself. 

So, let me show you a few of them that will help you to live an aligned life every day.

#1 Invest in yourself on every single level

Lemme tell you the secret of how I got to where I am today…

A while ago, when all my friends and the people around me were “making memories”, I was getting to know myself. 

I uncovered parts of myself that needed healing, and I worked on becoming a person I could be proud of and who I could love wholeheartedly. And thanks to that, I’m the complete opposite of who I was before. I’m no longer insecure, anxious or desperate to please others.

While everyone around me was socializing, I worked on discovering my passions and getting in touch with my spiritual side. I read as many books as possible, showed up to do the inner work, and started nourishing myself well. And through that, I managed to intentionally design the life of my wildest dreams.

“Cuz here’s the thing, babe - you can’t be afraid to invest in yourself. I can assure you that it is 111% totally worth it.

Invest into your health, growth, and expansion. Buy nourishing food that allows you to have a healthier life. Take that course that will help you grow + accelerate your success...

My coaching clients know this is the way to get exponential results in their lives. And that’s why all my mentorship programs help you level up your mindset, take care of your body & connect with your soul for ultimate happiness, well-being & fulfillment.

#2 Be ok with saying “no” and setting boundaries

I used to believe that people only liked me because I was a yes-sayer. I thought that if I suddenly showed other parts of myself and started doing what I truly wanted, then people wouldn't like me.

But that is soooo not true. And I learnt that the hard way. 

YOU have to create your own rules and live life on your own terms... no matter what.

Don’t be scared to set and communicate your boundaries unapologetically. Say no when your body tells you no. Don’t agree to the things that aren’t supporting your goals. And, remember babe, when you say NO to others, you are saying YES to yourself. And that is truly powerful.


(Psst. you can read all about how you could be playing small and people pleasing in this blogpost)

 #3 Track your goals & hold yourself accountable to them

Daily goal trackers are one of the practices that I love the most. They allow you to evaluate if you’re on the right track, and they can also help you gain clarity on the things you need to change or adapt so you can get the results you desire. They can also be used to get your ego to work for you by using your competitive side in a playful way that serves you.

Because the fact is: the path will not always be straight when you are chasing your goals. So, start tracking your goals, and make sure to celebrate your successes between milestones - don’t just wait for the goal to be completed.

If you don’t know how to do it, I got you babe, I’ve created this Daily Goal Tracker and I want to share it with you. Click here to download it for free.

#4 Complete the hardest tasks first thing in the morning

For many people, mornings are when they’re the most mentally sharp and productive. If that sounds like you, then this is when you should prioritise the important tasks that will help you achieve all your goals.

I personally love to focus on my high priority tasks first thing, so that in the afternoon I don’t have to struggle if I find I have less energy and focus. I’m also able to create a high-productivity, peak focus state if I put my phone away, turn off my notifications and remove anything that could distract me. For more productivity tips, check out this post with the 4 time-management techniques that will help you get more done in less time.


#5 Have mental reset days

I used to believe I would only be worthy of receiving if I worked really hard. And so I worked all the time. Even though at the time, I was creating a business I was truly passionate about, I eventually reached a point of burnout. I was waking up every day without energy and I felt completely drained.

That’s when I realized I had to make a change. Because you see: if your mind is constantly rushing or you’re feeling exhausted, there’s no way you’ll be able to show up in the way you want to.

Hustle culture has us believe we have to go-go-go in order to succeed. But the opposite is actually the truth.

In order to show up to your full potential, you gotta prioritise rest, fill up your own cup, and nurture the home that you’ve created within yourself. Because truthfully? What’s the point in creating a life that looks good on the outside if it doesn’t feel good or supportive on the inside?

Trust me sis, you have to schedule in slow days if you want to succeed in life.

The key here is to be consistent when you take on new habits.

Living a fulfilling life on purpose is simple. Not easy, but simple. If you want some support as you take this new path, I’m here for you.

If you’re ready to take your mindset, well-being and self-care to the next level + design an aligned lifestyle you are obsessed with, check out my group coaching program Free Abundant Self. Inside this 6 week, high-touch, intimate group coaching program, you’ll learn everything you need to know to be able to attract all your dream and show up as the most successful, aligned and fulfilled version of yourself.


Not yet feeling ready to invest? Then you can sign up for my free masterclass on magnetizing your desires as an ambitious woman here. Inside of the masterclass I teach you the foundational principles of the Lack to Abundance Method, which is the core of what I teach inside of my 6-week mentorship program Free Abundant Self.

Sending you lots of love & light!
