3 Ways a Mindset Coach Can Help You Reach Your Goals Faster

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My heart feels so full when I think about the 222+ incredible females I have supported so far as a life & mindset coach. It truly never gets old seeing my clients’ epic transformations & I am forever grateful that these women trust me to support them in achieving all their goals.

You see, there’s sooo much potential in all of us - but many people are unable to see it in themselves. They have so much to give but they’re not yet ready to embrace their true power.

That’s why I’m so passionate about what I do. 

As a master mindset, life & manifestation coach, it’s my job to empower others so they realise what they are capable of. 

(Pssst you can find out *exactly* how I became a 6-figure mindset coach here. And if you’re interested in becoming a coach yourself, you can learn everything about my coaching certification here).

Oftentimes, my clients come to me because they’re feeling stuck. They’re highly ambitious and know they are destined to more, but they need help tapping into their full potential. 

By working together, they learn how to tune into that power. They remember how brilliant, worthy & friggin’ capable they are of achieving everything they desire, and that gives them the confidence to go after their dreams.

But trust me, babe - the work isn’t always easy. If you’re not willing to dive deep, a mindset coach can’t help you. But if you’re ready to look within, call yourself out on your BS, get uncomfortable in the process & learn how to release all the limitations that are holding you back... then this is for you.


Here’s exactly how a mindset coach can help you reach your goals faster…

1. Mindset coaches ask you the right questions

There’s a famous quote by Tony Robbins that says that the quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask. And this 111% resonates with me.

I’m all about asking good questions - both to my clients but also to myself. Why?

Because when you ask yourself a quality question, it empowers you to generate quality results. And quality results = quality thoughts. Sounds simple, right?

By asking yourself good questions, you’re able to dive much deeper into who you are at your core. You’re able to find out what drives & motivates you. Plus, you’ll uncover the things that could be holding you back, and thus, be able to identify how you can overcome these challenges & move forward towards your goals.

As a coach, it’s my job to ask you those questions.

But here’s the thing: I’m not going to give the answers for you. A mindset coach’s role is to empower you to realise that you already have the knowledge that you need… you just need to unlock it.

I truly believe that each of us has everything that we need already within us. And by asking the right questions, you’re able to reach it. By reconnecting with yourself and answering high-quality and deep diving questions, you’ll be able to grow your awareness, identify your blocks & limitations, and start reframing anything that doesn’t serve you.

I absolutely LOVE supporting my babes in this way. They learn to trust themselves with their own intuitive guidance and are able to tap into new levels of clarity that they didn’t have before. They also get clear on their core values, what they want & why they want it. 

The result? They gain confidence, overcome doubts, and thus, are able to start taking action ASAP that allows them to smash (& surpass) their goals. 

2. Mindset coaches give you the tools to succeed

One of my fav parts of being a coach is working with my clients on a bespoke plan that will help them achieve everything they’ve ever wanted. 

You see, we are all individual - and what you might need, could be completely different from someone else. Once a coach has helped you reconnect to yourself, they’re able to offer personalised tools that will help you overcome your limiting beliefs and, from that, adopt a success mindset.

Because many of my clients are high-achieving entrepreneurs with big dreams - this often includes goal-setting roadmaps, priority setting worksheets, and NLP practices that help them overcome perfectionism, self-doubt & procrastination. 

As a certified NLP, Hypnosis, Time Techniques, EFT and Life Coaching Trainer, I got a whole lotta tools that I am able to share with my clients that will help them take their lives to the next level. 

Trust me when I say that having access to expert resources is a game-changer! It streamlines your success & collapses time so you can reach your goals soooo much faster (+ with much more confidence, too).

3. Mindset coaches shine a light on your strengths

Not only do coaches help you identify & release any limitations - they help you see how damn brilliant you really are. Because sis, I get it - if you’ve never taken the time to connect with yourself, it can be hard to see how truly amazing you actually are.

You can read all about how I went from feeling totally insecure to feeling confident AF here.

It’s my purpose & mission in this lifetime to make sure that every one of my clients recognises and remembers how friggin’ magical they are.


Mindset coaches & life coaches are all about shining that light onto their clients & helping them see their full potential. And in turn, helping them embody, and step into, the badass, confident, incredible version of themselves.

Because the fact is: confidence is everythaaangg.

If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will.

Adopting a success mindset and believing you’re worthy & capable makes you unstoppable

And believe me - unshakable confidence can become a natural part of who we all are - it’s simply on us to cultivate it.

Confidence is a state of being that you freely decide on and choose for yourself. It’s simply not true that some people are born confident and the rest of us aren’t. This is something you can actively work on. 

But it takes deep work + daily commitment - all of which a mindset coach can help you with.

Honestly - that’s why I love my coaching work so much. 

Success, confidence & all the good stuff we want in life comes down to nurturing our mindset, cultivating our self-belief & rediscovering our true power. It comes from putting ourselves first and investing into our own growth, well-being, and expansion. 

When you believe in yourself & know your own strengths, you stop worrying so much about the opinions of others. And so, you step into your full power.

People with high self-esteem are the ones that show up fully every day. They radiate confidence & go after what they want because they no longer fear rejection or failure.

Get to this state of confidence & self-belief, and you’ll reach your goals 111% faster. Trust me.

So, sis - if you’re looking to smash your goals & achieve all your dreams, I got good news! I recently opened some more spots for my 1:1 VIP mentorship. If you want to discover all the tools, mindset hacks & strategies you need for lifelong success, click the link below, fill out the application form & I’ll be in touch shortly. :) 

I can’t wait to support you on your journey.

Sending you so much love & light,
